How do I get a better job I truly love?
A law of attraction approach to improving your work-life
I was recently asked for my law-of-attraction thoughts on how to manifest a better job. I thought that topic should have its own article. It’s not the first time I’ve heard this question. And I’d like all my readers to know how to manifest better jobs so you all can pay for a subscription from me. Just kidding on the subs. I should write an article on how to manifest money because you should not be striving to get it so hard. You don’t need to be an overly pushy self-promotor. When you’re in the right frame of mind and emotional state money flows to you. But let me get back to the topic of having a more satisfying job.
I’d really like everyone to have a job that they love because happier people don’t try to impose their beliefs on others. Yes, that’s self-serving. Don’t you know that caring about oneself first actually helps the world? I also believe we’re all quantumly entangled and to help others is to help myself in all other ways too.
It is possible for you all to have jobs that feel better. But it’s really not the job that causes your happiness, anxiety, or anger. It’s those feelings that cause the job that you get.
People say, “I’ll believe it when I see it,” but it truly is that when you believe it, then you see it. When you feel really great about your job, then you see how great it is (and manifest a better work-life). And I do believe there are scientific, logical reasons for that which I’ll get to.
There are a few things you can do to manifest a better job. But, if you do these things, I cannot predict if you will manifest a better job at another company, being promoted at the same company, getting “downgraded” at work, or getting fired so that you’ll finally start your own business.
I will say that I believe having better feeling thoughts and emotions will lead to a better job even if you suddenly get canned. I just don’t want you to be shocked if it happens. I have to add that to this article because I have been “kicked out of the nest so I could learn to fly” myself.
One of my mantras is, “Everything is working out for me.” I do believe that everything is working out for me in the long run. I just don’t always know how it is working out at the moment. Don’t say it if you don’t believe it. But if you do believe it, it’s a good mantra to lean on when you have a tower moment.
Back to what you can do.
How to Manifest a Better Job:
Focus on everything you appreciate about the job you have now.
List what you don’t like and think about the opposite of those things (list what you do want in the future).
Focus on the things you want and figure out the feelings that you think they will produce in you.
Figure out ways to feel the way that you want to feel now before any circumstances have changed.
Appreciate What Is In the Present
In the first step, you want to truly appreciate your current job and everything you’ve learned and enjoyed from it. You do not want to think consistently negatively about your current job, lest you focus on things you hate and see more of that. This isn’t about putting your head in the sand about what you don’t like, it’s about looking in another direction at the current benefits and then looking towards the future in the next steps.
What Do You Want In the Future?
In the second and third steps, you want to focus on what your inner being (or God-source, higher self, etc) has been creating. Everything that you do not enjoy has caused you to vibrationally manifest the opposite. You haven’t physically manifested it yet.
Now I am asking you to consciously consider what you are wanting. If you feel unappreciated at work, then you want a job where you feel appreciated. If you feel stuck in a certain schedule, then you want to be freer. If you feel like there’s a lot of drama, you want to feel more relaxed. If you feel as if you don’t get compensated fairly for your work, then you want fair compensation. List the things you don’t like, and then pivot to what you do like.
Making the Future Present Via Emotions
After you know what feelings you do want to be having more often, you have to get creative and figure out ways to find those feelings before you get the physical manifestations. This is the step of becoming a vibrational (emotional) match to what you desire. It is possible to come up with these feelings without any change to your physical world.
How do you go from feeling insecure or enslaved to secure and free, especially without your outside life seemingly changing to match? It is possible, but it will take some time and some interesting affirmations.
In the example of feeling insecure. You would want to find a feeling of security and focus on appreciating that feeling whenever it comes to you. It doesn’t matter how small or seemingly insignificant it may seem. Find the feeling, regardless of where it comes from.
Sitting on a chair that is stable or on the ground can help. Focus while sitting on something secure and be thankful for how it feels to be so secure. When you do this, you don’t worry that you will fall off, or that the ground will shake and open underneath you. You don’t worry that you will fall into the earth like being in quicksand. There are places in which you feel secure. When you find that secure feeling you can use the affirmation, “I feel secure,” or anything else that pops into your mind that feels true and good. After you’ve found the feeling, sit with it and new thoughts can enter into your mind of other areas in your life in which you also feel secure.
The thought may be very small but think of it like a seed you are planting into your mind. Thinking “I feel secure” while thinking about the secure ground (or chair or bed) underneath you is that seed. Focusing on this emotion is like tending to the seed, watering it. You are training your brain to look for ways in which you are secure, to prove that your emotion was right. You will start to see more ways in which you are secure as that seed grows into a plant. Then, you will act differently in your life as you believe differently. Your new and different actions will start to bring in real manifested things into your reality. These manifestations in your reality are the fruit that the plant will bear.
Why Does It Work?
When you feel insecure you do things differently than when you feel secure. Like a self-fulfilling prophecy, our beliefs bring things into our lives because we make actions based on those beliefs. If you feel as if you need a job, you will act needy in an interview and perhaps say the wrong thing.
You’ve had some negative-feeling thoughts, like weeds or a bad seed, that have produced rotten fruit or made it difficult for good fruit to grow in your life. You can reverse this. Think of your emotional work as tending to the garden of your mind.
Finding Appreciation
Do you want to feel appreciated more at work? Try to find where people appreciate you (even if it’s not at work). Or, focus on what you appreciate about yourself. You can say the affirmation, “I am appreciated” even if you think you are the only one in the world who appreciates you. Again, it doesn’t how small the reason is to start. Whatever gets you that feeling is the seed. It will grow. Give it time.
Finding Freedom
Do you want to feel freer to come and go? Freer to take off when you need to? Focus on where you are free. You aren’t required to come to work. You choose freely to go to work so you can get some money. You don’t want to focus so much on thoughts like, “I have to go to work,” drudgingly. You want to focus more on your freedom to choose to not go to work and not have money, and how you appreciate that you are free to go to work and get some money. You are free to change the thoughts you think. You are free to listen to different music on the way in. You are free in so many places of your life. Ask yourself, “Where else am I free to choose?” Focus on that freedom. That is the seed.
Finding Peace
Do you want less drama? Check out my Drama Triangle substack for more information on that. You are free to exit the drama triangle by taking personal responsibility. When you enforce your boundaries, people may get upset, but eventually, they will be repelled by you. You can repel drama.
But that’s all physical activity. Let’s focus on mental action first. When you get into the right mental state, the physical actions will be easier and less stressful.
Mentally you need to find peace. You can try to visualize a peaceful place in your imagination, perhaps with some relaxing meditation music, and breathe slow deep breaths. Breathing slowly helps to take you out of the fear response (fight/flight/freeze/fawn response). Physically breathing slower gets your brain to relax as your body thinks the stressor is gone now.
You can also appreciate any relationships you have where people are not drama-filled. Appreciate it whenever someone who usually is dramatic, was calmer if you see it. You want to milk these good moments.
Milking Good Things - A Change of Pace
Finding Compensation
If you want more money because you want to be appreciated or fairly compensated for your work, focus on where people do appreciate you. You can focus on appreciating the compensation you’re getting so far also. If you have a limiting belief that you need to work hard in order to make money, you can consider trying to change that belief. Ask yourself, “Is it true that you have to work hard to get more money?” Because we all know plenty of people don’t have to work hard to make lots of money. You’ll notice that people who enjoy what they do and think of it more as play or fun can make a lot more money than those who hate their work. There’s a reason for that.
You Want To Lose the Need
Neediness is a turn-off. People can tell when you’re relaxed about something. You do things differently when you have a fear of not getting a job or not making enough. Having the feeling as if you already got the job can do a lot. Confidence is a turn-on. You can’t be confident and at the same time worried. You have the capability and freedom to focus your thoughts based on the feelings you want.
You want the manifestations in your life because you think they’ll help you feel better, but if you feel better, you will do things differently and start to bring in the manifestations that you thought were the answer. So many people chase after things rather than feelings. We often miswant things over feelings. But once you find the feelings that you’ve been after, you will behave differently, less needy, and you will attract more of those things that you currently are wanting.
Remember the word “wanting” refers to things you do not have. Once you get the feeling that you were actually after, the “wanting” can dissipate from your vibration and experience.