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In Major Clutter, Tasks Require Side Quests to Be Completed


Last I wrote, I was pissed about something. I’m planning on writing more about that. Things have been improving and I want to detail what I did. But this is not that post. I dealt with that over the last week. On Saturday, I decided to declutter some more and record my process. You can watch this new video on YouTube if you’re a free subscriber and the video gets locked by Substack.

I just wanted to start producing my own kombucha again. I bought a new starter kit but my large glass jar was in the “shed.” I went out to get it and saw other boxes I wanted to declutter as well. So I brought them all in.

I wanted to light some incense to create a nice new atmosphere while I decluttered, but when I went to get it I found that drawer to be messy, so I started there.

I tell myself that I may have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) [my brother was diagnosed with it] but I think I’m just distracted by clutter. I don’t know that I would have a problem with that if I wasn’t looking around and seeing too many things that I could (or should) do something with.

It’s like every task that I go to do gives me another side quest of stuff to deal with first. And I think that decluttering will help me to stop having my attention divided so much.

There are things in this video that I kept that I may get rid of at a later time. But as I said in my debut battery decluttering video, it’s okay to do this a little bit at a time. It’s like peeling layers off an onion. The more you get rid of, the easier it is to rid yourself of what’s left, but it doesn’t have to all be done on the same day.

In this video, I discuss why I had some of this stuff and why I don’t feel like I need to keep it all now. But here is a bit more of it.

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