Reflecting the Dark Side of Your Shadows
Everyone you interact with is reflecting a piece of you back to you
I know I teach this stuff, but it still surprises me sometimes with the momentum or “force” that I can attract stuff when I start paying attention to it.
Momentum: If you’ve been asking for something your whole life, and you start to let go of resistance, the answer can come flooding into your life. Your resistance is like a dam and everything you’ve been asking for has been trying to get to you with such power, then when you break from the resistance, it floods.
“Force”: The more you pay attention to something, the more it gets magnified and you start to see it everywhere.
I started intently focusing in on the body’s reaction to trauma in an attempt to help heal myself since my physical therapy (PT) alone wasn’t healing my back issues. It’s not like I didn’t know I should focus on healing my inner state to heal my outer state, it’s why I named this business As Above/Below. It means that as you think (above, in your mind), your body reacts (below), among a few other meanings.
So I know that. But, I had some very ingrained behaviors that make it difficult to see a solution. When you have resistance, and think limiting thoughts like “I can’t heal” then you can’t see ways in which you can. Also, my PT was a baby step to getting to the trauma discussions. So it was part of the process. After last week, I got inundated from all over with discussions on how the body reacts to trauma. It seemed like so many people had a story to tell.
Everyone in your life is reflecting a piece of you to you. That doesn’t mean that I believe you are clearly being reflected, or that it is about how others perceive you all of the time.
7 Essene Mirrors
Gregg Braden has talked about the seven Essene Mirrors in the following video.
1. Mirror of the Moment - People mirror our presence in the moment back to us. Other people allow us to see what we're radiating out to those around us at the moment.
2. Mirror of that which is Judged - Other people mirror back to you what you are judging, whether good or bad.
3. Mirror of that which is: Lost, Given Away, or Taken Away - If you’ve lost, given away, or had something taken from you, you may keep seeing others who have that thing or situation. This may result in an attraction (spark) towards someone that you don’t know why you’re attracted to them. The attraction is because they have something that you want in your life, such as a good job, or family, etc. These situations will come up in order to make you deal with your regret that you don’t have it and perhaps cause you to figure out a way to get it again.
4. Mirror of Most Forgotten Love - If you have an unfinished relationship to finish, it might continue to show up. This may be a past-life thing, but doesn’t have to be. You may have had issues with your mother who died and run into someone else who you have the same relationship issue with in order for you to finally deal with this issue.
5. Mirror of Mother/Father - Our dads & moms are like “gods” to us as kids. They are our “source” of food, housing, love, etc. and they make the rules/commandments for our early lives. When we think about how our mother or father didn’t care for us, we may be thinking about how God-Source was not there for us.
6. Mirror of Your Quest Into Darkness (Dark Night of the Soul) - This is a quest for darkness, looking within at all your faults and fears in order to increase in wisdom & grow.
7. Mirror of Self Perception - Others treat you the way you view yourself. If you view yourself as ugly, they will treat you that way. If you view yourself as undeserving of good pay, you won’t get it. If you don’t forgive yourself, you won’t be forgiven.
Dark Night of the Soul
I’d say if I had to guess these mirrors are about my quest into my shadow. When you look into a mirror you can see your front side so you can clean it up. But you can’t see your backside where your shadow lives. So God-Source puts people into your life to reflect your shadow to you. This way you can clean up what lives in the dark side of your mind/life.
They’re Reflecting Pieces of You
Everyone is reflecting a little piece of yourself to you, in order to help you clean up your vibration. To figure out how much of you that they are reflecting, you should think about how much you interact with them or think about them. If it is only a little bit, then they are not reflecting a large piece of you. But if they are in your life constantly, they are reflecting quite a lot. And it is what they’re reflecting that matters.
I offered to take care of a dog who was picked up at a shelter. She is high-strung. She may have been abused or neglected as a young pup. I have thought of myself as a calm person, but over the last few years, I have noticed my body giving off all the signs of a very anxious person. I thought I had processed my traumatic childhood. But apparently, I had not. She’s been showing me that I am overly sensitive to what my body considers threats. If I didn’t have current issues, she would not be overreacting or I would not care if she was. The fact that it bugs me so, is a sign I’m not over it personally yet.
Also, another thing I have noticed is that whenever I would try to do a really good emotional/spiritual cleanse, she would get sick. For instance, in the middle of the night, she would throw up. It made it difficult to want to focus energy on mentally healing myself in some ways also. At first, I thought maybe I was imagining it, but the connection has happened too many times to be completely imagined.
Throwing up is an act of the body getting rid of toxic things. As my mind got rid of toxic thoughts, the dog got rid of it physically. When I was a child I would sleep under the covers. This dog in particular likes to sleep under the covers. She is a reflection of me. And then her barking incessantly at any little thing that is not an actual threat gets on my nerves. This is telling me something about myself if I would only listen.
I don’t like it when I’m overreactive to stimuli, but I tend to try to not think about that (subconsciously). So she reflects my annoyance to me so I can consciously see it. God-Source wants me to deal with it, to heal from it.
So when she started to get sick this time, I asked for help. I got help. My father took her to the vet and she got pills, also she was supposed to get some liquid squirted in her mouth every morning and evening. My dad thought the pill would be the hardest part, but it was not. Trying to shove liquid in her mouth was terrorizing her and getting us dirty in the process. So he took her back and they gave her a shot instead. She didn’t even notice the shot. I’m thankful that I asked for help and received it. I don’t like asking for help, but I’m realizing how much I could use it these days.
Sometimes I think about this life like a dream, where everyone I interact with is a dream character reflecting a part of my subconscious. We help each other to integrate our pasts. We’re all part of the same whole. I like that perspective.
When you interact with people who you can’t stand, you can try to ask your inner being, God-Source, or your subconscious, “What is it in me that they may be reflecting?” You can meditate on it, and perhaps get an answer to help you to heal or clean up your vibration so it won’t bother you any longer.