Suicide is Pointless From a LOA Perspective
Why those with a law of attraction perspective would probably not commit suicide
I have been slowly reading a book about the history of suicide that
recommended in her article on suicide. I came across this quote:Let not your heart convince you that the grave is your escape; for against your will you are formed, against your will you are born, against your will you live, against your will you die, and against your will you are destined to give a judgement and accounting before the king, king of kings, the Holy One, blessed be He.
From the Ethics of the Fathers according to the book Stay. (the book is an Amazon affilliate link if you decide to buy it and want to support the Substack)
I honestly stopped reading the quote about halfway and had a realization about my beliefs. I stopped reading the book for the moment because I wanted to be able to articulate why, even if I was full of despair, the idea of suicide wouldn’t enter my mind. So I thought I would write something up.
Can’t Escape Through the Grave
People in despair do tend to think the grave would be an escape. If they honestly believed that the afterlife would be worse, like hellfire, that would probably be a deterrent to suicide. People would only consider it if they think they will find relief, believing that after it’s done they’ll feel better (even feeling nothing at all can be considered better than constant pain whether emotional or physical).
From a law-of-attraction standpoint, I think that I’m attracting my life because of my beliefs and emotions. You might think that those beliefs would go away if I died. But I believe in reincarnation as well. And I think that after this life, those beliefs and emotions would be attracting my next life in the exact same way. So if I didn’t clear up my vibration by releasing trapped emotions and limiting beliefs, then I would just attract another life that would lead to me having very similar limiting beliefs and emotions.
I don’t believe you can escape your vibration. I think you may clean up your vibration by intentionally purging old thoughts and beliefs (and why not do that in the present?) in this life and then you would attract better circumstances in the next life. But I don’t think you can just hit the reset button and hope to get a better life next time. Ending your life to try to get a better afterlife would be a bit like gambling, and I don’t think the world works that way. There is an order to this world and like attracts like. We sometimes can’t see how that works, but I’ve found it to be the case enough times that I believe it’s my ignorance when I can’t see how things are related.
Against Whose Will?
Let me go back to the quote to discuss the “against your will” part. No, we as physical babies didn’t will ourselves to be born. But I do think our spirits or “higher selves” have a purpose in coming here to learn and to grow which I wrote more about in the following article.
So, from the 3D sense, we didn’t will ourselves to be here. But on the higher dimensional side, I think a part of us did want to be here. This is another reason suicide wouldn’t solve anything. If your higher self had a plan and purpose for being here, and you cut it short, once you got back to that higher dimensional perspective you’d be thinking, “I didn’t finish it all yet, I’m going back.”
You’d end up back on earth again, starting from a baby again, and attracting the same sort of situations you just came from again, so you can learn and grow from it and fulfill whatever you desired out of this life. You’d just be taking a lot longer.
Law of Attraction & Suicide Incompatible
I don’t see how suicide could make any sense from a law-of-attraction perspective. I think it would only make some sense to people who think that there’s nothing after this life, no hellfire, no reincarnation, no heaven (with a judgment). Otherwise your “life” would get worse after death, which wouldn’t make any sense to rush into.
I don’t know if you all found this interesting, but it’s helped me to clarify things. I do hope you have enjoyed it. Please feel free to leave a “like” if you liked it and comment if you have any thoughts on it. Was I wrong about something? Feel free to let me know.
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