This afternoon I watched President Trump’s press briefing on Stargate, a major artificial intelligence (AI) infrastructure project. One of the speakers started to discuss ways in which AI could help us with medical doctors being able to view more information to hopefully help heal diseases. The AI was being promoted as a “savior” and consequently, Trump was being hailed as one too in a way. They kept saying this couldn’t happen without him.
I imagined the medical AI systems and thought, “That would be very nice if it worked that way.” The words used in this press conference exposed their foundational belief that if we knew more, then we could eradicate disease.
Do you believe the reason we still have diseases is that we just do not know enough?
I recently wrote about why I think I experienced what would be called the common cold. If we were emotionally and spiritually healthy, I do not believe we would have horrible illnesses as we do. We might be down and out for a day or two as we heal. But I don’t think we’d have the recurring, constant, long-running debilitating diseases.
Personally, I believe that a disease is a combination of one’s environment (being exposed to toxins in food, air, etc) and one’s mental state. I also believe that if our mental state were in the right place, our immune systems would heal us or protect us from ever even having symptoms in the first place. So, ultimately, we attract (through our mental state) sickness from which we have to recover.
I don’t doubt certain things, like vitamins, need to be replenished when the body is healing itself (using more vitamin D or zinc than usual for example). Due to the lack of those being a co-morbidity with COVID, I believe that healing from that does require and use them up. So the people who actually did have that illness, but would not take extra Vitamin D or zinc to replenish, were not aligned with God-Source enough to manifest the benefits of taking those. I think if they were in the right state of mind and the same situation, it would occur to them to do that.
When you can relax and mentally, emotionally, and spiritually line up with God-Source through meditation and the like, you can start to be divinely inspired.
People who are divinely inspired can heal, invent new things, and figure out the right solutions to their problems. It is not a lack of knowledge necessarily that keeps someone from figuring something out, but a lack of being one with God-Source. That allows them to be receptive to the divine inspiration.
Our bodies, while sick, are constantly telling us to relax. They know it’s a time for us to rest. Whether or not you believe in God-Source doesn’t matter. Your body wants you to relax and let it take over. That’s why we get so sleepy. Now, people fight that because they believe they need to. But going with the flow helps the process of healing.
When sick, you will probably start to notice yourself not caring about what’s happening across the world, or across the country, and perhaps not even across town. You are mentally (almost magnetically) drawn to your very local situation. Everything becomes about what is happening in your house or your room, not your country.
This is all a part of the re-arranging of your mental state; it’s the body’s attempt to get you into a more receptive state, to receive the healing that the body is asking for.
Can AI Health Systems Help?
Does everything I just said make it sound like AI Systems could not help with figuring out diseases? I don’t mean it to. If someone really loves AI and works on this with a high expectation (optimism), they may be aligned with God-Source and come up with some really great helpful information.
Will that information be used, abused, or censored?
We already know about things like fluoride lowering IQs and people want it in their water anyway. We already know about the dangers of certain additives and people don’t care that they’re in their food; they eat it anyway.
Extremely great information gets mocked (which is another form of censorship through social manipulation). If you feel as if it’s socially unacceptable to talk about something, you self-censor. So when people make it socially unacceptable, they are promoting censorship.
Just because a doctor could come up with some really great, helpful information, doesn’t mean everyone else will learn about it or accept it and make changes. You know the sorts of people who won’t listen to inventive new information are those who do tend to mock. Those are the sorts of people who feel as if they know better than others, who would call someone naïve. Those are “savior” types. They like to view others as imbeciles because to look down on someone is to feel as if you are elevated.
If you don’t want to miss out on some new helpful information, you have to not be one of those sorts of people. You have to be willing to learn new information. You can’t act like a know-it-all. Oddly enough many doctors have that savior mentality and look down on their patients. So I don’t know how much this will actually help. But I’m going to say it’s impossible to gather some new insights.
We Keep Inventing New Diseases
Perhaps someone could have the mix of enough desire and optimism that they could solve a problem with our health. And, maybe, there is a group of people who have had enough (longing/desire for change) and they’re also optimistic about AI solving this. Let’s say they eradicate cancer because of that. Humans will keep coming up with new diseases because the body is our gauge to know if something is going wrong with our thinking or spiritual/emotional/mental health. When we start showing symptoms, things aren’t going wrong, they’re going right. That’s how the body is supposed to work. It gets to healing as soon as it can.
If we didn’t have health problems, we would keep doing things that are harmful to ourselves. In the same way a person can’t get mad that their hand hurts when touch a hot stove, you can’t get mad that your body gets tired when you need to rest. These are good signs that let us know we need to change our behavior to self-preserve.
The body will always figure out something to do to show us that something isn’t right and needs fixing (inside, not outside). We can’t think of diseases as some “persecutor” that we need to fight. We have to focus on listening to the messages that our body is trying to tell us.
Isn’t it always when you’re so stressed out or too busy that the body seems to break down? There’s a reason for that.
My mother got lung cancer and died when I was in my 20s and around the time of being diagnosed she told me that she just wanted to go home (to heaven) because she was tired of this life. I don’t doubt that she brought that disease upon herself and that’s why she is dead. I’m not angry that doctors haven’t figured out how to cure cancer. The problem wasn’t her body, or some persecutor cancer attacking her. It wasn’t the cigarettes. Other people smoke and don’t get lung cancer. It was that she was exhausted (which I totally understand) and didn’t want to be here. She didn’t know how to handle everything.
Part of that goes along with not having a reason to live. I believe she didn’t have the meaning of life or purpose to strive for any longer. She died right before I was going to graduate college, and I think she figured she had done what she could, and I (and my brother, then in the army) didn’t need her any longer. When the meaning goes, people die. Viktor Frankl’s book, Man’s Search for Meaning1, explained how that was the important factor in surviving the Holocaust.
I’m so much like her. And when I get so tired and “ill” like that, I do wonder if I’ll manifest a “disease” like cancer myself. But I’m so different because I’ve decided to face the emotional turmoil and dig it up and expose it to the light. Acting in completely different ways makes me think I’ll have wildly different results than she did. I went with the flow of healing. I allowed my body to talk to me, giving me important realizations.
I see this, looking to the AI to help “rescue” us from diseases as the lazy way. It’s funny because the people excited about it don’t see it that way. They will be busy bees. But it’s avoidant. Our society in general is avoiding looking at the root causes. I don’t believe the answer is hidden away and the AI can help us find it. I believe the answer is here and we need to be the ones to change in order to receive it.
I went searching for a quote on my “Christian” Substack and I found this. It’s not the one I was after. But here it is, and I’ll get the other one as well.
2 Corinthians 4:3 And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing.
From my old article, “In the Recognitions of Clement, Kefa goes on to say that God hides the truth through love. In this chapter Apostle Peter (Kefa) is talking with Niceta about how God hides the truth.
Recognitions of Clement Chapter LVIII: Truth Veiled with Love
Then said Kefa: “I take it well that you bring the truth to the rule, and do not suffer hindrances of faith to lurk in your inner being. For thus you can easily obtain the remedy. Do you remember that I said that the worst of all things is when anyone neglects to learn what is for his good?” Niceta answered: “I remember.”
Then Kefa: “And again, that YHWH has veiled His truth, that He may disclose it to those who faithfully follow Him?” “Neither,” said Niceta, “have I forgotten this.” Then said Kefa: “What think you then? That YHWH has buried His truth deep in the earth, and has heaped mountains upon it, that it may be found by those only who are able to dig down into the depths? It is not so; but as He has surrounded the mountains and the earth with the expanse of heaven, so has He veiled the truth with the curtain of His own love, that he alone may be able to reach it who has first knocked at the gate of divine love.
If you can’t knock at the gate with divine love (which casts out fear, and obviously doesn’t come from anger or worry), then you can’t get the whole truth. People who look down upon others cannot get to the whole truth. People who hate others can’t find the truth.
You have to become one with God-Source to start to receive divine inspiration. If we can’t fix that in our society, then diseases will not be eradicated. Keep this in mind when you hear about new advances in science and how people still get those diseases or don’t have access to knowledge or medicine due to other constraints. We attract our circumstances that lead to that situation. And if we’re in perfect alignment, we wouldn’t need the medicines anyway. The immune system would be doing its job.
I don’t blame my body’s “breaking down” on lack of medicine or knowledge. I know it’s because I’ve lived a lifetime of anxiety because of my background. I’m putting in the work, and sometimes it feels like too little too late. But I’m doing what I can do to heal the emotional and mental stuff because I’m not willing to look to bandaids to heal me. I need to work on the inner stuff, not the outer stuff. So many people don’t want to do the difficult work of healing their minds. They would much rather blame an external virus or germ (persecutor) and see this as a war they can fight with technology. In a sense that’s shifting responsibility onto someone else. People like to do that a lot, don’t they?
What are your thoughts on this topic? Did you have the same reaction to the announcement? Leave a comment below.
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What happens when the AI tells us that to cure disease we need to get rid of people like Flip Flop Fauci?
"AI" (there is nothing intelligent about it) does an amazing job at pattern recognition. It's a fantastic tool. But it won't magically fix stupidity and foolishness.
I'd like to hear what RFK has to say about this "Stargate AI".