As Above / Below LOA
As Above / Below LOA
Don't Blame the Algorithm - You Control What You See

Don't Blame the Algorithm - You Control What You See

When Digging Up Old Emotions Starts Attracting "Negativity" on Social Media

Last week I wrote on Substack a lot more than I usually do. But I realized I needed to take a break from Substack. I still visited Notes and posted a couple of things. But I was getting frustrated by the stuff I saw. It all felt “so negative.” I can usually look at the 3D “negative” stuff going on in light of a higher perspective and not be as troubled by it as I was.

Because I am normally able to do this, and because of the law of attraction, I knew that it wasn’t the algorithm’s fault, something was going on inside of me to cause this. Things can be going horribly wrong but I can see great works of writing concerning those things that, even though it’s recounting awful events, it’s the creativity and care that I notice and “vibe with.”

But I was noticing people being dismissive of others who were different than they were, and a lot of “complaining.” I would guess I see people complain on Substack all of the time, but usually, I would be focused on how well they were doing it, making a logical argument and emotionally moving others.

Instead, I felt like people were just complaining and being angry together. And, I am sure that other people who saw the exact same posts I did, did not notice anything different or were actually being emotionally uplifted by what they saw.

When you notice things that rub you the wrong way, do you continually come back for more? Do you block or mute the people? They don’t have the “right” to be heard. You have the ability to curate your social media feeds. This is one place you have the power. By not removing things that aggravate you, the power, responsibility, or blame is on you, not the algorithm.

Should you block people?

I wrote that article about blocking and/or muting people who are trying to overstep your boundaries. I think it’s absolutely right to do that. But, sometimes you’ll see people in your feed that you disagree with, some who even mock something that you love. But those people may bring in good, beneficial, uplifting posts at other times. This is where I struggle.

If I blocked everyone who mocked something I believed in, eventually I might not have anyone on my social media feed. Perhaps that’s just a limiting belief. For now, I figure I will let them stay in the feed, and work on myself, such as limiting my time on the platform.

Your Mood Attracts

Samskaras are old emotional wounds that have not been let go yet. As you hold on to them by resisting feeling them, they continually attract more situations to bring them up to the surface. Your triggers can be so very healing if you let them be.

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