I watched a recent video from Truthstream Media and wanted to write about it. I will share a small clip, but you should check out the full video.
This separating people (into different comments) by sex seems to be an Instagram issue and since they’re owned by Facebook (Meta) then Facebook likely has the same issues.
I know that YouTube will show your (logged-in) comments on the top even if they’re at the bottom of the comment list or hidden from the public. I don’t know if YouTube has this exact issue, but people (including myself) have been complaining about comments just being removed even if they’re from the creator of the video. I have multiple YouTube accounts and sometimes I log into hardly ever used ones as well. You will see drastically different types of videos when you log in. I’m just not sure if it has this exact comment issue, although you all can test it yourself.
Later in the video, you see comments on a Biden video being separated by political leaning.
I considered writing about this on the Drama of It All Substack because I wanted to mention the fact that social media companies are attempting to “save” the consumers of that media from seeing comments they might not want to see. There is a Drama Triangle dynamic here. But I want to focus more on the various worlds we attract.
People self sort into groups naturally. This is why our political commentary channels are designated as right (Republican) vs left (Democrat). You could argue that’s not even that natural, but it’s a lot more natural than hearing completely different commentary while watching the exact same show. And that’s essentially what’s happening with the comment sections.
The woman in the video was right that we look to the comments to hear what other people think. It’s natural for us to do that. There’s a tendency to want to fit into the group as we’re a social species. Throughout human history, being part of a group has been crucial for survival. Fitting in with a group enhances security, resources, and support. Being accepted by others reduces the risk of being ostracized or left out, which could lead to isolation and potential danger. Our brains think we’re in literal danger if we don’t fit in and it stresses us out.
The problem is who are you fitting in with? The video of a woman complaining that her boyfriend had not come over when he said he would be coming over could and should be criticized. She’s playing “victim” and labeling him as a “persecutor” and it’s causing her to feel powerless. That’s not healthy behavior to take to social media and complain your boyfriend hasn’t shown up in such a manner. But if you’re logged into the platform as a girl (presumably) you will be shown other girls’ comments that perpetuate the dramatic hysteria as “normal.”
So if you see a bunch of comments acting like something is normal, you may believe that it’s a good sampling, and if no one agrees with your opinion you will feel left out. People conform to others (Research the Asch Line Experiment).
Please watch the whole TruthStream Media video. She talks about how comments change people’s opinions and how comments with “likes” have more weight, but those “likes” can be paid for with bot farms.
Social media platforms are trying to figure out what you believe and show you more of it so you’ll stay on their platform. I remember going on Facebook and editing what they thought were my political preferences. I wanted to share how to do that, but I can’t find that option any longer. But while I was there looking, I found this:
Mine was on the default because I never knew this was here. It was set to “reduce” which means I saw less of content that had been fact-checked. Some people may have chosen to “reduce more” and then they would see those fact-checked stories less often and possibly never. Fact-checked articles or videos lean more Republican in my experience. That’s another way to sort people into political groups.
We Attract Our Comments
The algorithms are taking data points from your sex if you input that into the platform. I think many platforms may be taking the control of those algorithms away from you. Minds did ask me if I wanted to see content that is more disagreeable, so they’re an exception to that. But they all want to try to show you things you’ll be interested in. So they’re tracking what you interact with.
When you “like” things, you will inevitably see more things like that. You have the ability to join different groups on sites like Facebook, Minds, and Twitter (X). You can choose not to join groups that get you upset.
We have personal responsibility to choose what we do or don’t do and all of those actions influence what we see, as always.
You can also break free from those comment silos by logging out of the platform and looking at the post/video from a fresh logged-out perspective. However, sometimes Facebook (and maybe other platforms) require you to be logged in to view some things. You can also choose to view “most recent” or “all comments.” I hate that Facebook tries to pick and choose which comments are shown. I always click on the “all comments” option.
You have the power to influence your social media world. You could even try having two accounts, one female and one male to see what the platforms might not be showing you. You could also get off of social media and into the real world where people are not able to stop you from hearing everyone’s comments on a topic.
I think it’s beneficial to not get trapped into an echo chamber where you never hear criticisms of what you believe, but I also don’t think it’s beneficial to constantly listen to people who disagree with you just because you’re afraid to be stuck in an echo chamber. I think there is a happy medium.
The Trump Assassination Attempt
I wrote the beginning portion of this article before Trump was shot at. But when I kept seeing people insist that the shooting was fake, even if the media claims it was real but just a series of mistakes, I felt like I should bring it up here.
To those with a conspiratorial Drama Triangle mindset, all of the oddities lead them to think it was faked and Trump really wasn’t shot. They would claim that it’s fake blood and the crowd are crisis actors. One comment suggests that because there are lots of women there, there should be total hysteria of screaming and inconsolable women, and because there aren’t they’re faking it.
That is a limiting belief. It’s worth questioning. Is there another reason why they wouldn’t run? First, Coleman pointed out, “freeze” (not just fight or flight) is a reaction that some have to terrifying situations.
But, these are also Trump supporters and not Democrats (who love to play victim and over-react to things). Trump & Tucker Carlson seemed to believe they stayed because they were worried about their leader.
There are other possible reasons for what happened than it being “faked.” Depending on your social media accounts, you may be surrounded by people who think it’s all fake. I had a brief interaction with someone I used to chat with a lot and brought up the Illuminati card. I don’t know what it means, but I saw his reaction and he thought the card meant “it’s all scripted.” That’s ascribing meaning to the card. There could be other meanings, and I’m still open to hearing them.
I’m not surrounded by people who think this card means it’s all fake any longer. But maybe I would have been if I had taken different (or not taken) actions in my past. Our actions are what lead us into echo chambers or out of them.
The exact same oddities of the assassination attempt are being used to say that the secret service or the deep state wanted him dead or didn’t want to stop it. They have mostly the same questions, but they don’t ascribe the same meaning to the oddities.
And, of course, you’ve got those who follow the mainstream legacy media and they may believe that it’s all just horrible mistakes. They may even think questioning that it could have been intentional is dangerous.
Personally, I always think you should have questions. Here is a video with some of those questions concerning this. An0maly asks, “What do you think?” to get people to leave comments. He’ll see the conflicting comments (unless YouTube deletes them). But you may want to try logging out in order to view them all.
Depending on who you surround yourself with, you may be led down a path of thinking of this event the way everyone else does. But who is “everyone else?” It’s usually your clique. But what if they’re wrong? You may feel like you’re a crazy person for not agreeing with “everyone” but they’re not everyone.
There are multitudes of ways to view what happened. You can still question things without ascribing meaning. But we as humans are meaning-making machines.
Some people feel they need to know what happened. Because they would feel powerless or nervous not knowing. There’s a feeling of instability and that causes fear and anxiety. People race to figure out what happened as soon as possible to lessen that anxiety.
You Can’t Make Something False - True
Some people say that you can choose to believe something and that will make it true. So if you choose to believe he faked it, then you will enter some reality or timeline in which he did. And if you choose to believe it was real but the government was in on it, then you will enter a reality in which that is true.
I don’t believe that. I do believe that your pre-conceived notions will make you feel as if you are in a reality in which that is true because your brain will ignore everything that goes against it like spiritual blind spots.
But just because you’re wearing glasses that keep you from seeing things that disagree with you and laser-focused on what you do believe, doesn’t mean there isn’t a real truth out there to find.
Take Your Glasses Off
Every so often we should try to take our perceptual glasses off and ask these questions:
“Is this absolutely true?”
“Is there another way to see this?”
“Am I bringing my preconceived ideas into this analysis?”
“What would someone else think about this event?”
“Would they have a logical point?”
Am I ascribing meaning to this that’s undeserved?
Is there another meaning for this that I haven’t looked at?
If You Must Enter an Echo Chamber, Visit Others
If you find yourself in an echo chamber, it’s important to listen to what other competing echo chambers say because they may also have valid points you haven’t considered yet.
Also, if you attempt to broaden your views, removing those perceptual glasses so you can try to see the actual truth of a situation, those in your echo chamber will likely get mad at you for asking questions. Some people love their world of comforting lies more than they actually want the truth of a situation.
But would you really want to stay and conform to those sorts of people? Don’t you want the truth above all else?
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Getting Siloed Into Parallel Realities