This is really interesting! I've come to similar conclusions as you. I like the example of "not being there to answer the call."

I've seen that same scenario 1,000 times over. And it is a reverse cascading effect. The people who don't believe in something dismiss many things (pay no attention to them) and as a result, miss a lot of things that are picked up on by people who do believe. It's like you'll see what you want to see. There's a flip side to it as well. You could see good in something/someone when there is none. Looking objectively is the hardest part.

Similarly, I've run into countless situations in life, where I've learned something -- literally the day before I needed to know it. I jokingly referred to it as JIT learning (Just In Time - Learning). It's happened so many times, and over so many topics I can't list them all, because when it happens you realize it, and then forget about it, like dreams.

Anyway, all of this makes me think of this part in the Bible, Matthew 17:20

*** And He *said to them, “Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. ***

I don't know if that's to be taken 100% literally, or if it's leaning more to the idea of what we're talking about.

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I talk about "miswanting" this is thinking you want something and when you get it you find out you didn't really want it (It wasn't satisfying to you). God-Source knows what we ACTUALLY want. When we ask in His name/character then we will get what we desire. Acting in His character would mean not literally wanting a whole mountain to move since He put it there. But, asking for a mountain of an issue to be moved out of love for someone (like removing addiction), that is more in His character/name. Anything in His name (character) you ask it will be done if you have faith. Most of the time we're not praying in His character/name though because of our miswanting things.

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I agree. Most of the time people are praying for things, as if God is a genie.

We've all done it. But growing out of that is one of the best things someone can do.

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