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Episode 2: Vaccine PassportsEpisode 2: Vaccine Passports

Episode 2: Vaccine PassportsEpisode 2: Vaccine Passports

There are people afraid of getting COVID because other people are not getting the COVID-19 vaccine so they want to make vaccine passports required. There are people afraid of having to get an experimental vaccine in order to work, to fly, leave the country, or even go to a sporting event. They both have the same fear. They fear that they don't have power over their body and their health. They think someone else is going to have the power to make them unhealthy. It's the same fear, which means they attract each other according to the law of attraction.

In this episode I discuss that fear and feeling of powerlessness. I discuss how it's negatively affecting our society and ruining our media and entertainment, and I also give tips on what to do to get rid of it. One of which is to focus on where you are powerful (in the circle of control).

Mentioned in the podcast:

The Happiness Advantage: How a Positive Brain Fuels Success in Work and Life

COVID-19 Shines Light On Fear And Powerlessness

The Body (And The World) Was Designed To Heal Itself

Your Beliefs Can Lead To Freedom Or Slavery

Michael Singer